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From Musician To College Grad

     Ben has been involved with music in some shape or form ever since he was a child. There has always been a very strong draw to music, primarily rock and metal, yet he enjoys many other genres. With over 35 years as a musician, and over 10 years experience as a live sound tech, Ben enrolled in Full Sail University to learn as much as possible about the recording industry, and to hone his skills as a sound engineer. His graduation date is July 5th, and his current GPA is 3.96. He also has plans on continuing for his Masters in Business. In the mean time, you can find him working the sound at AJ's Place Bar and Grill in Glasgow, KY through Wednesday, Friday and Saturday nights.

     Ben is currently proficient in Pro Tools, Logic Pro and Cubase, and is able to work in Ableton Live. He has also been trained in how to properly use (and abuse) Celemony's Melodyne as well as Auto Tune. Other skill sets include Post-Audio Production, Sound creation/design for games and composing to video.

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